
Devonthink pro for mac
Devonthink pro for mac

Also, the Home and End keys behave the same in Column view as they do in other views. Improved handling of Down and Right arrow keys when using Icon view.Also, optimized performance and memory usage when saving or creating formatted notes to avoid using virtual memory with very large files. Improved capturing of formatted notes.Using a more compatible user-agent when clipping websites if the user-agent isn't provided by a browser extension or a script.YouTube pages can now be more reliably clipped as HTML pages.In addition, the group hierarchy defined in the file is now used. File > Import > Bookmarks from HTML file now supports notes and dates, too, and fixes naming of bookmarks.The marked text is styled and the note is visible too.


Revised appearance of highlight, underlined, and strike-through PDF annotations in the Document > Annotations inspector.Improved support for PDF ink annotations made in DEVONthink To Go, e.g., drawing and shapes.Additionally, summarizing highlights as Markdown has been updated when Preferences > Files > Markdown > Summaries: Quote highlights instead of retaining style is enabled. Tools > Summarize Highlights now sorts the annotations when used with PDF documents.Less aggressive blocking of editing of PDF documents containing certain fonts, e.g., ones that may be problematic with macOS' PDF framework.Documents having more than 100 pages are not validated due to the poor performance. Use the hidden preference DisablePDFValidation to disable the validation. Merging, splitting, exporting, and converting PDF documents as well as post-processing web pages clipped as PDF now validates the output created by macOS to detect text layer corruptions.Converting Markdown and HTML to rich text converts certain metadata to document properties, viewable in the Document > Properties inspector.Converting Markdown to PDF or HTML, and rich text to PDF, retains the document's title.Revised default Markdown stylesheet, adds paragraph margins.The image destination for Markdown documents (see Preferences > Files > Markdown) supports now also placeholders (e.g.Markdown editing detects links, e.g., in YAML metadata and makes them clickable.In addition, the index of lines in ordered lists is updated, if necessary. Tab and Shift-Tab increase or decrease the indent level of the current line in Markdown lists.Improved Markdown WYSIWYG editing and parsing.Added attachment count AppleScript property for use with email messages.Added contextual and action menu item Add Default Templates to Preferences > Data to restore the default items.Added attachment count AppleScript property for use with RTFD files.Added Name Without Date placeholder and name without date AppleScript property.Added AppleScript property bates number to query the current Bates number, reset the numbering, or define a specific start number.Added Help > Frequently Asked Questions.Added VoiceOver support to the Scripts menu and the Insert Placeholder submenus.Added new default smart rule Unify Date In Names.This command is also available in contextual menus.

devonthink pro for mac

  • Added Edit > Insert > Separator to insert a separator line in Markdown documents and formatted notes.
  • devonthink pro for mac

  • Added Tools > Filter > Multimedia to easily find pictures, videos, or sounds having a certain size or duration.
  • In addition, saving and indexing of such documents is faster. The auxiliary attachments are hidden in the editor (in windows, tabs, and the Annotations & Reminders inspector).
  • Added support for RTFD documents containing pencil drawings created by DEVONthink To Go 3.5 or later.
  • Added Preferences > General > General > Automatically mark items as read.
  • Added File > Export > as HTML Bookmarks to export the URLs of all selected items (and their children) as an HTML bookmarks file.
  • The FAQ is now accessible via the Help menu. In addition, several inspectors have seen modifications and the improved sync engine makes Dropbox and iCloud synchronizations more robust. Markdown editing has been polished, including easier indenting of lists, and RTFD documents now support displaying pencil drawings made in DEVONthink To Go 3.5 and later. With dates being prevalent in many naming conventions, new smart rule actions and AppleScript properties help deal with finding or changing dates. A new preference allows you to decide whether viewed items are marked as read, and a new filter pane finds multimedia documents. This release brings a wide variety of additions, changes, and improvements.

    Devonthink pro for mac